Traslado de Cartamundi Bélgica a Fournier España

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Traslado de Cartamundi Bélgica a Fournier España

Mensaje por rave » 16 Ago 2023 14:36

Sin lugar a duda una de las mejores noticias para la planta española, que últimamente no pasa por sus mejores momentos. Incluso se rumoreaba que la planta iba a desaparecer por completo, llevando la producción a china.

Este es el email que ha enviado cartamundi:
In recent months, we've faced production and technical challenges at our current manufacturing facility (Turnhout). As a result, we haven't been able to provide the level of service we'd like to, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. In light of these issues, we've carefully considered our options to ensure that we can offer you the quality and service you deserve. After much thought, we've decided to move ALL European playing card production to our Fournier plant in Spain, starting in January 2024. The Fournier plant is known for its expertise and commitment to crafting high-quality playing cards. By bringing all production operations to this facility, we truly believe we can enhance the reliability and efficiency of our processes, which will ultimately benefit you.

On top of that the quality and capabilities of those in the Fournier plant will be on par or better than what we can offer out of Belgium today. Faster and more reliable cutting with the same clean edge, same board and linen finish you’re used to and a varnish that surpasses the current one in every test. (but more on that later on)

Between now and January, we are experiencing a period where technically, all production is on hold. Several factors, such as capacity limitations, external dependencies, and unforeseen circumstances, have contributed to this situation. We understand the importance of timely delivery and are committed to finding solutions to minimize disruptions to your projects. Despite the production challenges, please be assured that we will do our best to prioritize certain critical projects and push them through, even in these trying circumstances. However, it's essential to acknowledge that finding fixed answers or definitive timelines is just as challenging for us as it is for you at this time. We are actively working on assessing the feasibility of each project and will communicate updates with you regularly. Our team is committed to maintaining open lines of communication and providing any information we can about the status of your projects. As we navigate through these uncertain times, we sincerely appreciate your understanding and support. Please know that we are dedicated to finding creative solutions and overcoming obstacles to ensure the success of your projects.

This decision is all about making sure you get the top-notch service you deserve and holding ourselves accountable for any past issues. Your satisfaction and loyalty mean the world to us, and we're fully committed to providing you with the best products and experiences.

We understand that changes like these can raise questions, and we're more than happy to address any concerns you may have. Please feel free to reach out anytime for any assistance or information you need. Your understanding and support are genuinely appreciated as we work to improve our playing card production and enhance your overall experience with us. We're excited to serve you with even better efficiency and quality from our Fournier plant in Spain.

Hope it makes sense and if you have any further questions, don’t be afraid to reach out!

Jirs Huygen
Global Maitre Cartier
Community Business Development Manager
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Re: Traslado de Cartamundi Bélgica a Fournier España

Mensaje por rave » 16 Ago 2023 17:17

Se me olvidó comentar que esta decisión está teniendo impacto al menos en su servicio de naipes personalizados, que están sufriendo importantes retrasos mientras actualizan la fábrica de Fournier.
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Re: Traslado de Cartamundi Bélgica a Fournier España

Mensaje por max » 17 Ago 2023 19:37

Teniendo en cuenta las deficiencias que muchos manifestaban en el servicio que prestaba Carta Mundi en esa división custom en los últimos tiempo, no me imagino lo mal que han tenido que ir las cosas para tomar esa decisión.

Siento mucho aprecio por Jirs y espero que las cosas mejoren mucho, y celebro que esto pueda suponer además un impulso para los de Vitoria, que sin duda merecen un poco de aire en estos últimos tiempos tan oscuros.
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Re: Traslado de Cartamundi Bélgica a Fournier España

Mensaje por rave » 10 Oct 2023 16:17

Por cierto, he leído que actualmente Cartamundi no acepta pedidos de la divisón "custom" hasta que la nueva fábrica esté operativa, a no ser que seas un cliente importante.
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Re: Traslado de Cartamundi Bélgica a Fournier España

Mensaje por Iagoba » 12 Oct 2023 21:10

No parece mala noticia, a ver si quizás se animan a que Fournier sea más receptivo a encargos y customs...
a varnish that surpasses the current one in every test.
No soy mucho de sobar cartas, pero me he llevado desilusiones con barajas "de marca conocida" que se estropeaban al entrar en contacto con una gota de agua por un instante...cosa que las Fournier aguantan mejor. El barniz de Fournier debe ser cómo la fórmula de la CocaCola, porque incluso en una baraja de mi colección de 1939 (y no es el mejor año para productos de calidad en España, finales de la guerra y autarquía) el tacto y acabados son muy buenos, aunque ya tenga 80 años.
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Re: Traslado de Cartamundi Bélgica a Fournier España

Mensaje por rave » 13 Oct 2023 08:49

Fournier y su legendario acabado.