Alex Pandrea deja el diseño y producción de barajas.
Publicado: 05 Oct 2024 13:38
Desde hace tiempo las webs de Pandrea apenas tienen barajas a la venta. The Blue Crown dejó de vender barajas y se especializó en videos de magia. The House of Playing Cards dejó de producir barajas propias y empezó a vender parte de la colección personal de Pandrea. Actualmente apenas tiene unas NOC y LZY a la venta.
Como el mismo dice en el email, ha vendido mas de 1 millón de barajas, generando 10 millones de dólares en ingresos. Ahora da un cambio en sus negocios y se dedicará a dar consejos económicos y de empresa. Además contratará a personal que lleve The House of Playing Cards y produzcan nuevas barajas, pero sin su intervención directa.
Y para celebrar este cambio de rumbo nada mejor que poner a la venta una baraja impresa en 2022. El coste es de 20.95€ cada baraja, o si la quieres con su firma añade 14€. ... te-reserve
Como el mismo dice en el email, ha vendido mas de 1 millón de barajas, generando 10 millones de dólares en ingresos. Ahora da un cambio en sus negocios y se dedicará a dar consejos económicos y de empresa. Además contratará a personal que lleve The House of Playing Cards y produzcan nuevas barajas, pero sin su intervención directa.
Y para celebrar este cambio de rumbo nada mejor que poner a la venta una baraja impresa en 2022. El coste es de 20.95€ cada baraja, o si la quieres con su firma añade 14€. ... te-reserve
It's Official - I'm Retiring From Playing Cards..(here's my gift to you).
BIG NEWS INCOMING…I’m retiring from the playing card industry and I’m starting a new business. You can sign up to my new company here (it’s free):
My LAST deck of cards (NOC Private Reserve) is available for Pre-Order. This is the last deck I will be involved in and you are invited to secure your decks for a limited time: ... te-reserve
But Alex, WHY? Well let me explain…
In March of 2011 I launched The Blue Crown. I was a 23 years old aspiring entrepreneur who wanted to make an impact in the magic industry. This new company aimed to teach magic, sleight of hand, and performance through video tutorials. Through our many downloadable videos and DVDs…(yes, DVDs, remember those?) we released some amazing magic and taught hundreds of thousands of aspiring magicians all around the world.
In 2012, the popularity of custom playing cards was growing at an exponential rate and I decided to launch a brand called House of Playing Cards. This company went on to be incredibly successful - selling more than 1 million decks of cards through 300+ different custom decks and generating over $10 million.
So you might be thinking - great, so what’s the problem? Well over the past 10+ years my whole life revolved around designing, printing, and selling playing cards. In the beginning this was fun and exciting. I was able to be creative with the decks we produced and building the stories around each release - and I think we did it better than just about anyone in the industry.
As the years went on, my goals in business and, well, life evolved. My interest in the playing card industry began to dwindle. I found myself working on projects I had no passion for. Printing a deck…selling the deck…repeat. By this point, the playing card industry had hits its peak and I was ready for the next level.
In 2022, my wife and I had our first baby. I decided to take some time off (as many of you may have noticed) to not only spend time with my family, watch my baby grow up, but to reflect on what was next for me professionally.
I began investing the money I was making through my business - investing in the markets, in businesses, and starting new ventures I was interested in - this not only proved to be a great success for me financially, but it sparked a new flame and ambition to pursue something more.
I decided to begin work on a new company - a new brand - a fresh new idea. A platform that allows me to share everything I’ve learned in business, investing, and growing wealth. It gives me a chance to build something of value and hopefully inspire a lot of people. It’s called Lazy Money Club - You can come along for the journey here:
Thus came the difficult decision to leave the playing card industry behind. It wasn’t an easy one - in fact, until recently it was very hard to let go of, but I knew it had to be done. My last deck of cards that I will be involved in (my Private Reserves) is now out for pre-order. ... te-reserve
So what now?
Well first things first - I plan on giving away ALL the secrets of the playing card industry. How to design, produce, and sell decks of cards. I will teach you everything I’ve learned over the last 13 years in successfully selling playing cards, and I will do it all for free. I initially was going to make a course about this, but f*ck it, I’d rather give it away for free. I will do this in a series of emails. Please subscribe here:
Secondly - I am releasing my last deck of cards. It is my Private Reserve NOC deck. I printed this deck back in 2022 for personal use and only gave them away to friends. It’s the final deck I will personally be involved in.
Third - is House of Playing Cards dead? Not quite. I plan to put in a team to run the site. Produce some decks, restock old decks, and keep things going - however I will not be personally involved in any playing card projects from here on out.
Lastly, what exactly is Lazy Money Club? Well, I’ll leave that for another day - but for now, if you want to keep up to date with me, my businesses, and want to be part of something very special, please join me. It is free and always will be.
Excited for you to join me for the ride. I’ll see you on the other side.